How could your smile be improved by a dentist in Harley Street?

Maximise your true potential

Everyone wants to make a good, lasting impression.  Whatever the occasion or situation may be, we all want to make an impact and present the best possible version of ourselves to the world.  That being said, a great many of us often feel let down by the appearance of our smiles.  Whether our teeth are stained, discoloured, crooked or overlapping, it can lead to a high amount of stress and anxiety.  However, rather than simply opting not to smile – which, as you can imagine has seriously negative implications your social confidence – those who are self-conscious about the way their smiles look ought to turn to the aid of a dentist in W1 to help them overcome their superficial issues and present a smile to the world that they can truly be proud of.

Cosmetic tooth whitening

One of the most widely requested forms of cosmetic dentistry today, is cosmetic whitening.  This is a process which can have a truly transformative impact on both the smiles and the self-esteem of those who opt for it.  Tooth whitening aims to rid a patient’s teeth of any amount of stains, discolouration or yellowness which may have been caused by a number of things.  As we get older, we often find that the natural enamel of our teeth becomes duller or grey-ish, despite our vigorous brushing habits.  This, sadly, is a natural byproduct of aging and can leave many with a diminished sense of self-confidence. Additionally, those who smoke or excessively consume highly-acidic food or drinks can often find their teeth to become stained or yellowed over time.  Cosmetic whitening however gives patients the power to reverse this dullness and restore their teeth to their natural, whiter beauty.  This is achieved through the application of a peroxide-based gel directly to the front of the patient’s teeth – either within their dental practice, or at home through a dentist approved home-whitening kit. When a thin layer of this gel is applied to the patient’s teeth, the bleaching agent within it begins to eradicate any discoloration or staining to their teeth and bring about the natural whiteness that they desire.

Gum reshaping


Another method of cosmetic dentistry which can help restore the self-esteem of those who require it, is gum reshaping treatment, or a ‘gum lift’.  This is called for in cases where patients gum level is uneven, which results in them having a crooked or ‘gummy’ smile. Those who have uneven gum levels often find it to impede their social wellbeing and ability to interact and smile freely amongst others, as they are often embarrassed over exposing their unshapely gums.  However, through seeking out a ‘gum lift’ the excess gum tissue over a patient’s teeth is removed, either through a painless dental laser or the removal of bone tissue in more severe cases.  Those who undergo this form of cosmetic dentistry generally find it to have a long-lasting impact on them both orally and socially as their gum health is vastly increased – as the risk of Gingivitis or gum disease is greatly reduced – and they no longer have to hide their smiles out of social embarrassment, so they can flourish and enjoy life to the fullest.

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